

The village school was built in 1845 following the gift by the Yarborough estate of a piece of land amounting to 15 perches to the Rector and churchwardens for that purpose.  A copy of the conveyance is attached.  It was a National School under the auspices of the National Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor and it was under the management and control of the Rector, the churchwardens and the Earl of Yarborough, who together were responsible for the appointment of the schoolmaster.  With the arrival of state education, it became an infants and primary school, the pupils having to walk to East Ravendale for their secondary education between the ages of 11 and 14.  It closed on 7th January 1946 after which the school house was let and the school room used as a village hall.  In 1984 the first floor of the school house was demolished and the ground floor was converted into the kitchen and lavatories which now service the village hall.  The slide show below captures the last moments in 1984 before the building was reduced to its current form.

The last school mistress was Mrs Day.

Judging by the graffiti left on the outside wall, the school achieved reasonable levels of literacy.

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